A place where you can park your bike, come in, sit down and enjoy some good food and company

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ahhhhhh Bologna!

So tonight I got my "hair did" as the girls would say.What that means is, after a long day, all I want to do is get home and eat. I know the girls will be out tonight so I need to think of something quick to make when I get home. Bologna.....that's it! Now its not often that I have this just hanging around but I happened to get a hankering for some as we cruised the Wall Mart for groceries last weekend. I think the Handle Bar and Grill needs to put this on the menu. Fried Bologna that is. REAL pork stuff Bologna. None of the Turkey - Chicken shit. I fried up a bunch of thick sliced Bologna ( in bacon fat of course) added some cheddar chunks and provolone to hold it together. Season with garlic salt and pepper. Slather on some garlic aoli and grill it on San Fransisco sour dough. Yummmmm.

Who would have know how well it pairs with a Super Hoppy beer like Hoptimum from Sierra Nevada Brewing company....wow.  So after the girls got here from Zumba class. I made them their boneless skinless chicken breast on the grill and sent them on their ways.
Now I'm on the patio listening to Big Head Todd and the Monsters, Sipping on Irish whiskey and enjoying the water fall..........good night friends!

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